
Yang Liao

Visiting Scholar (2019)

LIAO Yang is a research professor at the Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She received her MA and PhD degree at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, in Comparison & Communication between Chinese and Western Art, and Buddhist Art History respectively.

Most of her research projects have focused on 1) Buddhist Art History, and 2) Cultural Communications between different regions and different ethnic groups as reflected by visual art remains. She has conducted field investigations of many Buddhist cave temples and monasteries in Inner China, Chinese Turkestan and Tibet. In recent years, she has devoted herself to the iconological studies of the Buddhist pantheon during the eleventh to fifteenth centuries. She puts the emphasis on astral deities because of their relation to the cosmological structure. Her publications include Studies on the Chronology of the Kizil Wall Paintings (Beijing, 2012) and several articles.


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Xixia’s Contributions to Astrology as Reflected by Visual Materials


Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities

A Preliminary Study of Buddha *Tejaprabha’s image of the Ming Dynasty in the Shaanxi Province

Central Academy of Fine Arts: Commemorating Prof. Jin Weinuo’s Art Education and Academic Achievement Seminar

Reconstruction of Buddhist Pantheon during 11th-15th Centuries (III): A Case Study of Grahamātṛkā

Research Center of Eastern Literature, Peking University: Oriental Literature & Image Lecture Series XV

Tracing the Ritual Elements: A Tangut Astral Maṇḍala as a Start Point

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: China Social Science Forum (Religious Studies)

When Buddha *Tejaprabha Came to Yunnan: Regional Characteristics and His Place in the Local Pantheon

Harvard-Yenching Institute

Who dominates the Starlit Sky: Transcultural Communication from perspective of a Tangut Grahamātṛkāmaṇḍala Painting

Shenzhen Musuem: Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Art Seminar