Su Yun Woo examined local citizen participation in China in her PhD dissertation (at the Institute of Political Science, University of Zurich) through the lens of deliberative democracy, utilizing a comparative qualitative study of participatory budgeting in two Chinese localities, Chengdu and Wenling. She has continued to delve into multiple facets of Chinese politics beyond citizen participation in Professor Kübler's group “Democracy and Public Governance” since July 2020, where she expands her research interests to encompass deliberative governance, democratic innovations, urban governance, and Chinese foreign policy. Currently, Su Yun Woo is involved in a preliminary survey study of Chinese perceptions of the EU, and is also researching citizen participation in cadre performance management and big data governance in China. As a research advisor to the Chinese NGO Social Equity and Participation Center, she is also engaged in an external research project investigating the topic of "Right to the City" in four Asian countries supported by Instituto Polis (Brazil). Other than her research activities, Su Yun Woo teaches two Bachelor courses, "Political development in Contemporary China" and "Urban Governance Challenges in Greater China," as well as a Master's-level course, "China’s Rise: Implications for International Relations."
Su Yun Woo will take up the COST STSM Summer Fellowship in the Lise Meitner Research Group, where she will be working closely with Andrea Braun Střelcová and Mikkel Rønnow Mouritzen (fellow COST STSM Summer fellow) on the topic of China’s Engagement in European Research, Innovation, and Higher Education.
COST STSM Summer Fellowship: China's Engagement in European Research, Innovation, and Higher Education
Selected Publications
Wang, Zhongyuan and Su Yun Woo (2022). “Deliberative Representation: How Chinese Authorities Enhance Political Representation by Public Deliberation.” Journal of Chinese Governance 7 (4): 583–615. https://doi.org/10.1080/23812346.2020.1870311.
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Kübler, Daniel, Philippe E. Rochat, Su Yun Woo, and Nico van der Heiden (2020). “Strengthen Governability Rather Than Deepen Democracy: Why Local Governments Introduce Participatory Governance.” International Review of Administrative Sciences 86 (3)…
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Woo, Su Yun and Daniel Kübler (2020). “Taking Stock of Democratic Innovations and Their Emergence in (unlikely) Authoritarian Contexts.” Politische Vierteljahresschrift 61: 335–355. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11615-020-00236-4.
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Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
Master's seminar at University of Zurich
Bachelor's seminar at University of Zurich
Bachelor's seminar at University of Zurich