Scott Cook on a hike in the mountains

Scott Cook

Visiting Scholar (2021)


Scott Cook 顧史考 is Tan Chin Tuan Professor of Chinese Studies at Yale-NUS College. He specializes in pre-imperial manuscript studies and early Chinese intellectual history, with a special emphasis on musical thought.  He is author of The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation, vols. 1-2 (Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Series, 2012), The Pre-Imperial Confucian Texts of Guodian: Broad and Focused Perspectives郭店楚簡先秦儒書宏微觀 (Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 2006), A Multi-Perspective Survey of Lost Warring States Texts among the Shanghai-Museum and Other Chu Manuscripts 上博等楚簡戰國逸書縱橫覽 (Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, 2018), A Study of Recorded Conversations of Confucius Texts among the Shanghai Museum Manuscripts 上博竹書孔子語錄文獻研究 (Shanghai: Zhongxi shuju, forthcoming 2021), editor of Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2003), and the author of over eighty articles in both English and Chinese. At MPIWG, he was a member of the “Transience: Politics and Practices of Time in the Chinese Period of Division” Working Group in Dept. III.


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Music and Transience in the Historiography of Six Dynasties China


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Transience: Politics and Practices of Time