Emma Mojet
Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019)
PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam
Emma Mojet studied History and Philosophy of Science at Utrecht University and wrote her Master's thesis on the reading of the first version of Newton’s Principia in the Dutch Republic. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Vossius Center for the History of the Humanities and Sciences, University of Amsterdam. Her PhD is part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) funded project “The Flow of Cognitive Goods: Towards a Post-Disciplinary Historiography of Knowledge.” Her research focuses on the history of disciplines and interdisciplinarity in which she uses the ‘Flow of Cognitive Goods’-framework to understand discipline formation processes. At the MPIWG, Emma visited Department III and she is worked on a paper on statistical methods and observations in nineteenth-century botany.
The Flow of Statistical Methods and Observations in 19th-Century Botany
Presentations, Talks, & Teaching Activities
History of Science Society: Making of the Humanities VII
History of Science Society: HSS Meeting Seattle
Vossius Centre for the History of Humanities and Sciences: Vossius Seminar