Zoë Svendsen’s and Simon Daw’s Book “World Factory: The Game” Published
- Jan 5, 2018
- New Publication
- Dept. III
- Zoe Svendsen
- Artist in Residence: World Factory

Svendsen, Zoë; Daw, Simon: World Factory: The Game. London 2017.
Made in China. Sold in Britain. Worn by you.
From the factory floor to the catwalk, from Shanghai to London, World Factory weaves together the untold stories of people connected by the global textile industry.
This published edition of World Factory: The Game (Simon Daw and Zoë Svendsen, 2017) adapts the highly successful, provocative, and participative theatre production for the page, offering readers the opportunity to play—as individuals or in teams—the managers of a clothing factory in China and recreate the experience of the game. Zoë Svendsen brought the World Factory to the MPIWG as an Artist-in-Residence in 2014.