
In Pictures: Researchers Pitch at MPIWG's Spring Publications Slam

On March 19, 2024, the library held its second Publications Slam event. Six researchers pitched their recent publications in three minutes.

The Presenters and Their Publications:

  • El-Hajj, Hassan. "Explainability and transparency in the realm of digital humanities: toward a historian XAI." International Journal of Digital Humanities 5 (2023): 299–331. (here)  
  • Kaye, Aleksandra. "Shaping Public Perception: Polish Illustrated Press and the Image of Polish Naturalists Working in Latin America, 1844–1885." Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46, no. 2–3 (September 2023): 158–180. (here)
  • Kolboske, Birgit​​​​​​. Hierarchien. Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter mit dem Harnack-Prinzip. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023. (here)
  • Mastorakou, Stamatina. "Antike Globen in Larissa." Der Globusfreund 68 (2023): 117–128. (here)
  • Rudolf, Stefanie. “‘A great star falls’: cometology in Syriac language and literature.” Journal of Semitic Studies 69, no. 1 (Spring 2024): 161–178. (here)
  • Sabel, Claire. "'Glass Worke': Precious Minerals and the Archives of Early Modern Earth Sciences." In New Earth Histories. Geo-Cosmologies and the Making of the Modern World, edited by A. Bashford, E. M. Kern, and A. Bobette, 145–162. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2023. (here)
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Photos by Vivienne Rischke, 2024 

Following the presentations, there was a reception event. The library plans to host the event three times annually to give researchers at the MPIWG the opportunity to celebrate their new publications with colleagues, get to know each other, and learn how to pitch their research in three minutes. We really enjoyed celebrating our researchers’ achievements at our Publications Slam event! Thank you to all who participated.