In Memoriam: Gabriele Oropallo (1976–2021)
- Nov 8, 2021
- Institute News
- Dept. III
- Gabriele Oropallo
- Proteins and Fibers: Scaffolding History with Molecular Signatures
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science mourns the loss of Postdoctoral Fellow Gabriele Oropallo, who passed away on October 25, 2021.
Gabriele was a design researcher and historian whose work examined the history of ecologically-committed design practice and eco-consumerism. From his early studies of graphic design and urban wayfinding systems in post-war Italy, to later research on the maker movement and appropriate technology, he consistently challenged conventions and contributed new insights. His work was original and his approach to design history inherently interdisciplinary.
Gabriele had just joined Department III’s "Proteins and Fibers" Working Group, where he was to work on the implications of the use of materials of insect origin in craft and manufacturing. He will be missed dearly by the MPIWG community. We wish to offer our deepest condolences to Gabriele’s loved ones, in particular his partner Thais and their son Nicolas.