Frequently Asked Questions
What Happens to My Data?
The Max Planck Society takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. Visit this page we provide you with information concerning the main aspects of data processing in the context of our application and recruitment procedures.
What Are the Designations of Researchers at the MPIWG?
Which Languages Can I Use for My Application?
Your application may usually be submitted in either German or English. If the call is only available in English, then English is also the preferred language for applications. If we also accept applications in other languages, this will be mentioned in the advertisement.
Which Languages Must I Be Able to Speak?
- For all areas of work at the MPIWG, we require good or excellent knowledge of English.
- Scholars are expected to be able to present their work in English and discuss other people’s work in English.
- The main language of administration at the MPIWG is German. We support our employees in finding and funding a German language course if relevant.
- If other languages are required for the specific tasks involved, this will be mentioned in the advertisement.
Can I Apply for Several Different Jobs at the MPIWG Simultaneously?
Yes. This will not work in your disfavor.
How Long Will It Take to Process My Application?
- The time it takes to process applications varies widely, based on a range of factors such as the number of applications, the time required to request references, or the availability of the selection committee members.
- In general, we do not send out any interim communications. Please do not contact us with inquiries about the progress of your application.
- Unless otherwise specified in the advertisement, unsuccessful candidates will be informed in writing.
How Does the MPIWG Application Portal for Advertised Positions and Special Fellowships Work?
- The link given in the advertisement takes you directly to the relevant site. Before you start, please check one more time that the box shows the job you wish to apply for.
- You can choose whether to use the portal in German or English.
- The portal takes you through the required information and documents step by step.
- There is a separate upload opportunity for each document (except for certificates; certificates of the same type should be uploaded as one PDF). The option “Other documents” enables you to upload items that either were not explicitly requested or do not fit into the other categories.
- Please note that you cannot save your application as you go along. If you interrupt the application process, you will have to start again from the beginning.
- You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt within 24 hours of submitting your application. In most cases, you will receive the confirmation within a minute. However, if you have any queries, please wait for at least one hour after submission.
How Does the MPIWG Application Portal for the Fellowship Program and Research Stays Work?
- First, decide which department or research group you wish to apply to. Please note that some departments/research groups no longer accept unsolicited applications. Follow the link on the start page of our application portal to find the application link of the relevant department or research group. Applications to several departments/groups at once are possible, but should remain an exception. If you wish to do so, you must submit your application to each department/group separately.
- You can choose whether to use the portal in German or English.
- The portal takes you through the required information and documents step by step. However, please check in advance which documents will be required for the application: the portal itself will not tell you which documents are obligatory (apart from the CV). An incomplete application may result in exclusion from the application process.
- There is a separate upload opportunity for each document (except for certificates; certificates of the same type should be uploaded as one PDF). The option “Other documents” enables you to upload items that either were not explicitly requested or do not fit into the other categories.
- Please note that you cannot save your application as you go along. If you interrupt the application process, you will have to start again from the beginning.
- You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt within 24 hours of submitting your application. In most cases, you will receive the confirmation within a minute. However, if you have any queries, please wait for at least one hour after submission.
How Does the MPIWG Request References?
- If the advertisement requires letters of reference, during the application process you will be asked to enter the name, academic title, institution, and email address of your potential reference writers.
- At the MPIWG, there are three scenarios:
- A (standard): Email requests for references are only sent out if the candidate has been shortlisted.
- B (special case, noted in the advertisement): Email requests for references are automatically sent out when your application is submitted through the portal.
- C predoctoral fellows (stipend program): They should upload a letter of recommendation of their supervisor directly.
- The email sent to your reference writers will include the relevant documents of your application, a deadline, and instructions on how to upload the reference.
Who Would Be a Good Person to Provide a Reference?
- In the case of scholars, we are looking for an assessment of your way of working, along with an evaluation of your research and its originality.
- For non-research posts, your last employer (from employment, an internship, or training) may be a good person to give you a reference.
- As a matter of principle, it is up to you to decide whom to name.
- Please ensure that the people you name have specifically agreed to give you a written reference.
Does My Application Need to Include a Cover Letter?
- If the advertisement requests a cover letter (personal statement), you should include one. In that case, the portal will offer an upload option for this document.
- If the advertisement does not directly request a cover letter, you can still choose to submit one. It may be a good idea to include a letter of this kind if, for example, you wish to explain a change of career path or lengthy gaps in employment, or to give us any other information that might be relevant to your application.
Does the Word Limit Include Footnotes and Bibliography?
If a word limit is given, it generally does not include footnotes and bibliographies. If a page limit is given instead, again this does not include bibliographies.
Can I Apply for a Postdoctoral Job or Postdoctoral Fellowship if I Am Still in the Process of Completing My PhD?
Starting a postdoctoral appointment or fellowship is conditional on your already having defended your doctoral dissertation. However, you do not need to have finished your doctorate when you apply; you can send in your PhD certificate later on. You must, however, be able to show that your doctorate is at a sufficiently advanced stage. Include with your other application documents a letter from your university or—preferably—your advisor confirming that your PhD is close to completion. Please also mention in your cover letter the fact that you have not yet defended your PhD.