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Photo by Lucas Benjamin (https://unsplash.com/photos/wQLAGv4_OYs) on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/). 

Institute's Colloquium 2021–22

Trusting Science

Photo by Lucas Benjamin (https://unsplash.com/photos/wQLAGv4_OYs) on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/). 

More information

and registration

through the

Communications Team

External participants are invited to register up to one week prior to each event by emailing public@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de

Debate and controversy around global challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic and human-induced climate change present us with a complex picture of how ”expertise” or “facts” alone are insufficient for shoring up public, political, and internal trust in science. This issue is simultaneously local and global, historical and contemporary. 

The MPIWG’s Institute’s Colloquium 2021–22 series “Trusting Science” seeks to explore this topic from interdisciplinary, transnational, and longue durée perspectives. Through several talks and panels traversing history, philosophy, sociology, political science, and science and technology studies (STS), we hope to inspire new analytical insights and a basis for further discussions around trust in science. What do humanities and social sciences perspectives bring to our understanding of such issues? To what extent are any of these matters unique? Should we trust science at all, and if so, how can public trust in science and trust within sciences and scholarship be built? 

Ultimately, “Trusting Science” seeks to facilitate broad interdisciplinary discussions around social, political, and internal (dis-)trust in science, provide inspiration for further academic research, and open up discussion around the multifaceted challenges faced by historians, social scientists, scientists, and medical practitioners as they confront this issue on local and global scales. 


Historicizing Critique(s) in Medicine Online Event

See media

States, Knowledge, and Borders: Does Trust Make Science International? Online Event

See media


A Science Worth Trusting? Platform Capitalism Reorganizes the Science of the Future Online Event

See media

A Dialogue on Systemic Racism in Science and Its Institutions Online Event

See media

Historicizing Trust in Medicine Online Event

See media

“Can We Trust Science from China?” Observations around the Ascent of a New Power Player Online Event

See media

Historicizing the Reproducibility Crisis Online Event

See media


Format and Participation

Each talk or panel of external guests will be moderated by an MPIWG or external researcher, with time left for Q&A. 

The series takes place on Zoom and is open to everyone—academics, students, and members of the public are all welcome to attend, listen, and participate in the discussion. External participants may register by emailing public@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de up to one week prior to each event.



This series is co-organized by Research Group Leader Lara Keuck, members of the Lise Meitner Group China in the Global System of Science, Research Scholar Pablo Ruiz de Olano, and the MPIWG Communications Team.