Jun 10, 2022
Scientific Experience and the Scientific Expert II: The “Layperson,” “Common Person,” “Public,” “Non-Elite,” “Non-Scientist”
- 12:00 to 13:30
- Reading Group
- Max Planck Research Group (Premodern Sciences)
A Reading Group: Premodern Experience and a Modified Historical Epistemology

Newton’s needle-in-eyeball self-experiment, from The Isaac Newton Manuscripts, retrieved from https://psmag.com/social-justice/newtons-needle-scientific-self-experimentation-86583.
Contact and Registration
Contact to register for HE Reading Group: twietecha@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de
About This Series
This reading group explores the theme of premodern experience by making use of and adapting the approach of historical epistemology (HE). We will discuss how different primary and secondary sources have treated the epistemic status of experience and the roles of experience in gaining scientific knowledge, applying scientific knowledge, building a scientific system, or becoming a scientist, and why they have done so. In so doing, we will discuss how the tools of HE can help us shed light on the roles of experience for scientific knowledge and how, in turn, these primary sources help shape a modified HE for the history of premodern science and beyond.