Oct 11, 2024
Open Panel Discussion: Performative Philology: Crafting Knowledge in Action

How can we understand the ways in which knowledge is created and perpetuated through language? This panel discussion will explore the concept of "performative philology" and examine how the language involved in artistic, artisanal, and scientific practices reveals the communicative, cognitive, and bodily acts that constitute these practices.
We will discuss the challenges of representing textual, oral, and bodily know-how on a global scale and from a longue durée perspective in academic research, teaching, and publishing. By exploring these issues, we hope to gain new insights into the nature of knowledge and the role of performance in its creation and transmission.
Key Questions:
- Textual Philology: The Paradox of "Citationality"
How can we account for the changes that occur in the formulation of useful knowledge when it is increasingly disseminated in textual formats? - Oral Philology: From Orality to Textuality
How can we ensure that the meaning of oral history is accurately captured and conveyed in written academic works, without compromising the nuances that can be "lost in transcription"? - Embodied Philology: Language and Materiality
How can we effectively represent─through various other media─the experiences and bodily skills involved in artistic and scientific expertise, which are often difficult to capture in textual forms?
Join us for this thought-provoking panel discussion to uncover the interconnectedness between knowledge and its myriad performances.

Contact and Registration
To register for the event, please email astra@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de, providing your name and affiliation by Monday, October 7, 2024. Since places may be limited, please indicate if you wish to attend in person or remotely via Zoom.