Nov 13-16, 2023
Notes from the Future
- Workshop
- Dept. Renn
- Several Speakers
- Mitchell Ash
- Jeremy Burman
- Regina Helena de Freitas Campos
- Mazviita Chirimuuta
- Leon Deouell
- Irina Engeness
- Yosef Grodzinsky
- Peter Hagoort
- Jürgen Jost
- Karin Kastens
- Hroar Klempe
- Yonathan Loewenstein
- Pina Marsico
- Luciano Mecacci
- Azli Ozyurek
- Marc Radcliff
- Jürgen Renn
- Ardi Roelofs
- Frank Stahnisch
- Ramiro Tau
- Misha Tsodyks
- Alessandro Treves
- Renee Van der Veer
- Jan Valsiner
The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics acquired Jerome Bruner’s personal library after he passed away in 2016 at the age of 101. When a scholar’s personal library becomes part of a public collection, it passes from a private space in which the library is mainly a personal collection to a public space where private aspects become 'visible' to the world. Yet, the Jerome Bruner library goes far beyond the mere function of reflecting his intellectual world. It mirrors the developments of Cognitive Psychology and other Social Sciences after World War II.

The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin join together for a workshop around the Bruner Library.
This four-day event consists of two parts.
In the first part (November 13th–14th) we use Bruner’s library as a prism to look at the scientific production in psychology and social science over the twentieth century, as well as analyze the role of the archive and libraries in the research practices.
In the second part (November 14th–16th), we focus more specifically on the paradigm shifts from behaviorism to cognitive science to neuroscience.
Contact and Registration
This event is open to all at the institute. Please register with Edith Sjoerdsma