Mar 23, 2022
Models, Values, and Precaution: How Should Models Guide Policy?
- 14:00 to 16:00
- Seminar
- Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory
- Eric Winsberg
Models have a played a prominent role in guiding Covid-19 mitigation policy, often being used to make confident and dire predictions. But models such as these often embed assumptions about values. They also can encode precautionary reasoning that emphasizes a particular balance of risks. How can we optimize the use of models to guide policy in a crisis? What has the last year taught us about expert testimony and “following the science”?
About This Series
The seminar series of the Research Group “Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program” runs once a month, usually on a Monday at 14:30 in the seminar room of the Villa (Harnackstraße 5). The talks deal primarily with the history, philosophy, and foundations of modern (post-WWII) physics or with wider epistemological questions related to the work of the group. There are no pre-circulated papers.