Oct 7, 2024
The Dual Dynamical Foundation of Orthodox Quantum Mechanics (based on a joint work with Ricardo Correa da Silva)
- 14:00 to 16:00
- Seminar
- Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory
- Diana Taschetto
In his groundbreaking "The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics" von Neumann asked the question, why quantum mechanics has a dual dynamics (unitary evolution and collapse postulate)? He could not find a proper solution to it, i.e., a solution based on dynamical principles. In this talk, I shall present such a solution, certified by the golden rule of physics that the dynamics of a theory must follow from the action principle. The reason why quantum mechanics has this “peculiar dual dynamics” is that the theory is based, as I shall demonstrate, on a “peculiar” dual action.
Contact and Registration
Link to the Zoom-Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94690790127 Meeting-ID: 946 9079 0127 no registration required. For more information contact Kseniia Mohelsky officeblum@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de
About This Series
The seminar series of the Research Group “Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program” runs once a month, usually on a Monday at 14:00 in the seminar room of the Villa (Harnackstraße 5). The talks deal primarily with the history, philosophy, and foundations of modern (post-WWII) physics or with wider epistemological questions related to the work of the group. There are no pre-circulated papers.