Apr 16, 2024
Approaching, Translating, and Engaging Cosmology
- 14:00 to 15:30
- Institute's Colloquium
- Dept. III
- Several Speakers
- Melissa Nelson (Arizona State University)
- Francesca Rochberg (UC Berkeley)
- John Tresch (Warburg Institute)
What does “cosmology” mean when historians of science refer to the term? Some historians have shown that the thought and practice of modern science constitutes a cosmology. Some have argued that our present cosmological concepts arisen from modern science have shaped the language of progress or phenomena such as global political economies. Some also use cosmology to holistically describe systems of thought, worldviews, or perspectives that may have little to do with principles ordered precisely around an understanding of naturally-occurring bodies. In order to deepen an understanding of multiple cosmologies, this roundtable engages three prominent scholars in fields such as Indigenous studies, art history, folk studies, and the history and philosophy of science.
Contact and Registration
The MPIWG Institute’s Colloquium 2023–24 is open to all. Academics, students, and members of the public are all welcome to attend, listen, and participate in the discussion. This is a hybrid event. No registration required for in-person participants. Those who cannot join in person may register via the Dept. III Office event_dept3@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de and will receive a zoom link.