A forest of animal fibers
Welcome to our blog “Curating Proteins and Fibers: Toward Multidisciplinary Approaches in the History of Science.” Launched in conjunction with our 2023 reading group on Animal Fibers as Sources of Inquiry as an asynchronous tool for our members (historians of science, archaeologists, museum conservators, artists, anthropologists, and materials scientists), this blog helps us map out a means to study histories of multidisciplinary sciences. Since the process is as important as the end point, our posts will mainly reflect on our discussions as we journey through a metaphorical forest of animal fibers, in response to each reading group meeting. Some posts will lay down our new understandings about proteins or the cultural historical significance of “fibers” (or similar terms) in different regions of the world. The multi-authored blog provides space for speculation and contemplation, in addition to offering information and synthesis—all of which will serve as our bearing points as we as we work through the thicket and bramble and collect scratches and falls and moments of rest and elation.