Yubin Shin, sitting at a desk, an open book right in front of him

Yubin Shen

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017–2019)


Yubin Shen is a historian of modern global and transnational science, technology, medicine, and the environment (STME), with particular interests in exploring circulations and interactions of peoples, scientific knowledge, technological innovations, medicines, animals, plants and microbes in modern Chinese, Asian, and global contexts.

Yubin received his PhD in History from Georgetown University in 2017, with a dissertation Global Networks of Malaria: Tropical Medicine in Modern China, 1900-1950. At Georgetown, he designed and taught an upper level undergraduate seminar Eat Prey Love: Human/Animal Relations in World History in 2015. He was a Jing Brand Research Fellow at the Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, in 2016–2017.

As a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Yubin he began work on a project dealing with the history of applied entomology and pest-control and the coming of the Anthropocene in modern China. His future research projects include a global history of bio-prospecting and medicinal plants in modern China and a global environmental history of modern Manchuria.


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Insect Enemies: Applied Entomology, Pest Control, and the Anthropocene in China, 1915-1960


Past Events


The Artist-Silkworm Interface: The Agricultural Treatise as Source and Scrutiny for Creating an Artist Book


Of Sweet Potatoes, Locusts, Ducks, and Ditches: Animal Technology of Biological Pest Control in Late Imperial and Modern China


Pneumonic Plague, Environmental Changes, and the International Fur Trade