
Stefano Furlan

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (Apr 2022-Jan 2025)

After classical studies and a degree in physics, Stefano Furlan specialized in theoretical physics with specific focus on the notion of minimal length in nature and its interplay with quantization in the context of quantum gravity. In order to integrate his styles of thought and competences, he is currently pursuing a PhD at Geneva University under the supervision of Christian Wüthrich and the co-supervision, in Berlin, of Alexander Blum, whose group (Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program) he joined in April 2019 to investigate issues at the intersections of physics, mathematics, and history and philosophy of science, with reference to analogical and visual practices in such domains.


Dirac, Wheeler, and Quantum Gravity in the 1950s–60s


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Selected Publications

Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Leonardo come ‘maschera’ e come simbolo in Julian Schwinger e Jagdish Mehra.” Achademia Leonardi Vinci 3 (3): 155–168. .

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Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza.” Bollettino Filosofico 38: 207–218.

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Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Merging Labyrinths: Leibniz in J. A. Wheeler’s Quest.” Studia Leibnitiana 52.2020 (1/2): 123–155.

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Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Trespassing Boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel’dovich, Pontecorvo, and the Future of Astrophysics.” In Atti del XLII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference, Perugia, 26–29 September 2022, Società Italiana…

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Past Events

News & Press

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow Stefano Furlan receives Federico Tonielli Award
