profile picture of Ori Sela

Ori Sela

Visiting Scholar (2017)

Ori Sela is a researcher and lecturer in the Department of East Asian Studies at Tel Aviv University. He specializes in the history of Early-Modern and Modern China, and is interested particularly in the reciprocal relationship between intellectual history and socio-political history at various crossroads in China's past. The transition from China's imperial era into the nation-state building of the twentieth century, along with the crucial roles history has played and continues to play in current affairs, is another facet of his research and teaching.

Sela received his Master’s degree (magna cum laude) from the program for religious studies at Tel Aviv University, and his PhD from Princeton University. Sela’s dissertation, titled “Qian Daxin (1728–1804): Knowledge, Identity, and Reception History in China, 1750–1930,” dealt with the ways in which knowledge was produced from the middle of the Qing period until the Republican era, and investigated the links between concepts of identity and knowledge during this period. Among other things, Sela examines the relationships between scientific knowledge, historiography, categorization of knowledge, and intercultural interactions (with Japan and India as well as with the West).

While at the MPIWG, he worked on finalizing his book, China's Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the Eighteenth Century, which was published by Columbia University Press in 2018.


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Qian Daxin and the Philological Revolution in Eighteenth-Century China


Selected Publications

Sela, Ori (2013). “From theology’s handmaid to the science of sciences : western philosophy’s transformations on its way to China.” Transcultural Studies 2: 7–44.

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Sela, Ori (2013). “Through the prism of a plagiarism debate : eighteenth through eighteenth century sino-japanese intellectual relations.” Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (4): 577–597.

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Sela, Ori (2012). “Confucian scientific identity : Qian Daxin’s (1728-1804) ambivalence toward western learning and its adherents.” East Asian Science, Technology and Society 6 (2): 147–166.

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Past Events


Thematic Cluster: Materiality, Language, Translation