Millena is a PhD Candidate in the Graduate Program in Social History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She has a BA (2013) and an MA (2015) in history from Fluminense Federal University (UFF) and is a pre-doctoral fellow at Department III of the MPIWG. Millena was awarded with the “First Research Article Fellowship 2021” to work on the following project: Candido Baptista de Oliveira and the “Memória sobre o estabelecimento de observatório no Rio de Janeiro”: the First Step to Introduce Institutionalization of Astronomy in the Brazilian Empire (1824–1846).
Since June 2016, she is an adjunct professor of the History of Brazil Empire and Americas at the Federal University of State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). Between March 2019 and January 2021, she was an editor of the academic journal Ars Historica (2019–2021) and worked as editorial support for Topoi. Revista de História, (PPGHIS-UFRJ). She is a member of the following research groups: “Laboratório História e Natureza” (UFRJ) and the Global (De)Centre Study Group (GDC).
Specific research interests: history of astronomy; history of science and technology in Brazil; history of the Brazilian Empire; and environmental history and circulation of scientific knowledge.
Politics vs. Science: The Institutionalization of Astronomy in the Brazilian Empire (1824–1846)
Selected Publications
Souza Farias, Millena (2023). “Cândido Baptista de Oliveira and the ‘Forgotten Memoir’: The First Plan of a National Astronomical Observatory After Brazilian Independence (1822–1831).” HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology 17 (1): 39…
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