Mara Mills in front of a bookshelf

Mara Mills

Visiting Scholar (Jun 2019)

Mara Mills is Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University, where she co-directs the Center for Disability Studies. Her book On the Phone: Hearing Loss and Communication Engineering (forthcoming from Duke University Press) examines the history of speech and hearing research in the Bell System. She is currently working on the history of optical character recognition and, with Jonathan Sterne, the history of audio time stretching technology.


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History of Medicine, History of Material Culture, History of Technology


Testing Hearing: Science, Art, Industry


The Construction of Deafness in Western Europe and the United States (Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries)


The History of Audiometry and the Construction of the Normal Auditory Threshold


Tuning Time: Histories of Sound and Speed


Selected Publications

Sterne, Jonathan and Mara Mills (2020). “Second Rate: Tempo Regulation, Helium Speech, and ‘Information Overload.’” Triple Canopy 26.

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Mills, Mara (2020). “Testing Hearing with Speech.” In Testing Hearing: The Making of Modern Aurality, ed. V. Tkaczyk, M. Mills, and A. E. Hui, 23–48. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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Hui, Alexandra E., Mara Mills, and Viktoria Tkaczyk (2020). “Testing Hearing: An Introduction.” In Testing Hearing: The Making of Modern Aurality, ed. V. Tkaczyk, M. Mills, and A. Hui, 1–19. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.…

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Mills, Mara and Jonathan Sterne (2020). “Aural Speed-Reading: Some Historical Bookmarks.” PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association 135 (2): 401–411.

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Past Events

Summer School

Sound Signatures


News & Press

Alumni Xiaochang Li and Mara Mills receive the Bernard S. Finn IEEE History Prize


Research Group "Epistemes of Modern Acoustics" publishes special issue of Technology and Culture
