
Lucas Vinicius Erichsen da Rocha

Visiting Predoctoral Fellow (2019–2020)

PhD Candidate, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Lucas Vinicius Erichsen da Rocha is a PhD candidate at the Post-graduation program in Social History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro where he is developing PhD research about the public slaughterhouses in the city of Rio de Janeiro during the second half of the nineteenth-century. He has been a Gastdoktorand at the Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI) of the Freie Universität-Berlin in 2018. In 2017–2018 he worked as a Professor at the State University of Ponta Grossa. At the MPIWG he is also a member of Department III where he is a fellow from the “First Research Article” Fellowship Program. Has a master’s degree in History obtained at the State University of Ponta Grossa in 2015 with the dissertation "Passagens e novas fronteiras dos abates: o Matadouro Municipal de Ponta Grossa e a historicidade dos espaços de matança animal centralizada" (Passages and new frontiers of the slaughters: the municipal slaughterhouse of Ponta Grossa and the historicity of centralized animal killing spaces).




No current projects were found for this scholar.

Meat, Cattle and a Capital City: Slaughterhouses, Animals and Meat Production in Rio de Janeiro at the End of the Brazilian Empire


Past Events

Early Career Seminar

Animal Matter: Meat, Slaughterhouses, and Animals in Rio de Janeiro, the Capital City from the Brazilian Empire