Javier Moscoso with crossed arms in front of a bookshelf

Javier Moscoso

Visiting Scholar (2019)

PhD, Research Professor of History and Philosophy of Science

Javier Moscoso is Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

His book Historia Cultural del Dolor was published in October 2011 by Taurus, and in 2012 the English translation was released by Palgrave Macmillan. The French edition received the French booksellers’ award Libr'à Nous for the best history book in 2015. In April 2014, Javier was a Visiting Scholar at Washington University in St. Louis and most recently a Georges Lurcy Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago. His book, Broken Promises: A Political History of the Passions, was published (in Spanish) in September 2017.

During his sojourn at the MPIWG, he worked on a global history of human teeth and on the cultural history of the swing.


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A Global History of Human Teeth


The Global History of the Swing


Selected Publications

Moscoso, Javier (2017). Promesas incumplidas : una historia política de las pasiones. Madrid: Taurus.

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Moscoso, Javier (2015). “Politics of pain and the history of passions : a good subject for eminent amateurs.” Rúbrica de Historia Contemporánea 4 (7): 67–77.

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Moscoso, Javier (2014). “Lingering and exquisite pains : facing cancer in early modern Europe.” In Hurt feelings : pain and emotions in modern History, ed. R. Boddice, 16–35. Palgrave Macmillan UK.

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Moscoso, Javier (2012). Pain : a cultural history. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Past Events


The Global History of the Swing