Daniel Patrick Morgan is a researcher at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), attached to the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale (CRCAO), whose focus is the history of the exact sciences in early Imperial China. Daniel earned his doctorate from the University of Chicago in 2013, and his major recent works include Astral Sciences in Early Imperial China: Observation, Sagehood and the Individual (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017) and Monographs in Tang Official History: Perspectives from the Technical Treatises of the History of Sui (Sui shu), co-edited with Damien Chaussende and Karine Chemla (Cham: Springer Nature, 2019).
As of 2019, Daniel’s research has been focused on the prosopography and social network analysis of experts in mathematics, astronomy, and other fields of technical knowledge from 221 BCE to 700 CE (and the constitution of a tagged corpus and database to this end). Among the questions posed in this work are: How was knowledge transmitted and independently developed between rival communities during periods of political division? Where do experts of a given field tend to come from in terms of geography, class, official position, lineage, etc.? What forms of knowledge tend to go together in an individual’s CV, and which do not? And what might prosopography, geography, and social networks bring to our reading of the technical literature that these experts produced?
Fenye in Local Gazetteers