profile picture of Carola Oßmer

Carola Ossmer

Postdoctoral Scholar (Apr 2024-Mar 2025)


Carola Oßmer is a historian of science, knowledge and culture. She is a Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in history at the University of Erfurt. Previously to joining the history of science chair at Erfurt University in 2021, she has held fellowships at the Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung Lübeck, the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, the Max Planck Institute for History of Science in Berlin, and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung. She was a Visiting Fellow at Yale University and the University of Cambridge. For her work on Normal Development, she received the Biennial Article Prize 2021 of the Forum for History of Human Science. 

Oßmer is a board member of the Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Medizin und Technik (German Society for History of Sciences, Medicine and Technology). She co-founded the Forum Geschichte der Humanwissenschaften, a German network for researchers working on the history of a human science, and co-organizes the annual Workshop for the History of Psychology.



The Invention of the Normal Child: The Developmental Norms and the Visual Technologies of Arnold Gesell’s Laboratory (1911-1948)


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Selected Publications

Oßmer, Carola (2020). “Normal Development: The Photographic Dome and the Children of the Yale Psycho-Clinic.” Isis 111 (3): 515–541.

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Oßmer, Carola (2020). “Zeitplan normaler Kindheit: Arnold Gesells Entwicklungszeitpläne und ihr kritisches Bild von Normalität.” In Psychologie und Kritik: Formen der Psychologisierung nach 1945, ed. V. Balz and L. Malich, 117–140. Wiesbaden:…

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Past Events

News & Press

Carola Oßmer wins FHHS prize for best article recently published on the history of human sciences
