
Bertrand Guillaume

Visiting Scholar (2015–2016)

PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Department HETIC, TU Troyes, France

Bertrand Guillaume received his PhD from Arts & Métiers ParisTech (France). Grounded in environmental humanities, his research is about environmental foresight, the epistemology of socio-ecological modeling and the philosophical and anthropological foundations of sustainability, with a particular inquiry into the so-called Anthropocene. He has held an adjunct professorship at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada), and visiting scholarships at the University of Oslo (Norway) and Dartmouth College (USA). He is an Associate Professor at TU Troyes (France), where is serves as the Chair of the Department "Humanities, Environment and Technology".


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Engineering the Earth: An History of Planning Large-Scale Environmental Plans


Past Events


Early Visions of Geo-engineering