Project (2024-)

Intersectional Public Communications Strategy in the History of Science

The MPIWG Public Communications Team is relatively new and in a dynamic, developing phase. At the same time, the Institute continues to grow as a site of interdisciplinary research and collaboration at the intersection of the STEM sciences, social sciences, and humanities and across various temporalities, geographies, and cultures.

Public communication of science is imbalanced in its representation, for example with regards to people based on their gender, race, or (dis)ability; and also with regards to the kinds of perspectives communicated—such as knowledges from Indigenous communities or the Global South. The MPIWG’s existing public communications has until recently also tended to focus on disseminating the research and output of those people and perspectives already well represented in our public communications and in society more widely.

This project looks to work towards addressing such asymmetries by developing a long-term public communications strategy that is inclusive in its process, implementation, and delivery. Through collaboration with MPIWG staff and researchers, and practitioners and academics of science communication, we wish to identify and redress imbalances in communicating about researchers, topics, and epistemologies that are often excluded through contemporary science communication.


Challenges and Opportunities

This project identifies three key areas of focus towards a more inclusive, meaningful, interdisciplinary public communication.
