Institute's Bibliography (PuRe) Team

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Scholars of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) have a strong book publication record, with output including individual publications, group collaborations, and edited volumes. Our Working Group books are volumes written by two or more authors as the result of intensive collaboration, and are a particular specialty of the Institute.



Edited Book

In anderen Zeiten / In Other Times: Zeitdiskurse im Wandel / Changing Discourses of Time across Human History

The notion of time is, and has always been, omnipresent. So what could be more obvious than to research the topic from international and interdisciplinary perspectives? From ancient Greece to the present; from childhood perceptions to philosophical conceptions of time; and from ancient Chinese views of duration and transience to the importance of natural phenomena in the early modern period. The cross-epochal investigations in this volume demonstrate the great importance of the phenomenon of time for humankind.

Edited Book

A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century

A Cultural History of Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century covers the period from 1700 to 1815. Setting the progress of science and technology in its cultural context, the volume re-examines the changes that many have considered to constitute a "chemical revolution".

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

The Material Culture and Politics of Artifacts in Nuclear Diplomacy

This special issue stresses the importance of material culture in diplomatic studies of science and technology.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Seeing Clearly Through COVID-19

The essays appearing in the Topical Collection initiative "Seeing Clearly Through COVID-19" follow a short-form essay format.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

Local Uses of Geographical Knowledge in Imperial China

Contributions to the International Workshop “Locality and Geographical Knowledge in Imperial China”. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin, 29 June to 1 July 2020

Working Group Volume

Vom Künstlichen Stein zum durchsichtigen Massenprodukt: Innovationen in der Glastechnik und ihre sozialen Folgen zwischen Bronzezeit und Antike

Glas ist das erste von Menschen hergestellte Material, das nicht in der Natur vorkommt. Als Endprodukt eines komplexen Herstellungsprozesses hat Glas auch keine Ähnlichkeit mit den Ausgangsmaterialien. Glas wird in der Bronzezeit im östlichen Mittelmeerraum erfunden und als künstlicher Edelstein u.a. für prachtvolle Schmuckgegenstände, Architekturelemente und Gefäße genutzt.



Iteraciones Los seis ensayos que componen este libro transitan en los márgenes del sentido de la búsqueda científica y en lo impredecible en los procesos de experimentación. A través de la epistemología histórica, su experiencia de laboratorio y su interpretación novedosa de la filosofía de Jacques Derrida, Rheinberger problematiza la creatividad en los contextos científicos, la legitimación de sus objetos y la presentación de sus resultados.


Motion and Genetic Definitions in the Sixteenth-Century Euclidean Tradition

A significant number of works have set forth, over the past decades, the emphasis laid by seventeenth-century mathematicians and philosophers on motion and kinematic notions in geometry. These works demonstrated the crucial role attributed in this context to genetic definitions, which state the mode of generation of geometrical objects instead of their essential properties.


Yuanzili de shengming: fangshexingtongweisu zai kexue he yixue zhong de lishi 原子力的生命: 放射性同位素在科学和医学中的历史 [Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine]

Chinese Translation of the Book " Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine", University of Chicago Press 2013 translated by Wang Juechun 王珏纯.

Edited Book

Moritz Schlick: Texte zur Quantentheorie


Historia del columpio

La fascinante historia, alejada del parque infantil, de un artilugio empapado de magia, pasiones, leyendas, ritos, goce, erotismo, diversión o muerte.
El columpio ha acompañado a los seres humanos desde la Grecia clásica o la China preimperial. Sus usos han labrado un terreno fecundo entre el arte y la vida, entre el ritual y el conocimiento, entre la cultura y el juego.

Special Issue (Working Group Volume)

The Mississippi Papers (Part 1 & 2)


Minerva meets Vulcan: Scientific and Technological Literature, 1450–1750

This book offers a comprehensive study and account of the co-evolution of technological and scientific literature in the early modern period (1450-1750). It examines the various relationships of these literatures in six areas of knowledge - Architecture, Chemistry, Gunnery, Mechanical Engineering, Mining, and Practical Mathematics - which represent the main types of advanced technological and scientific knowledge of the era.

Working Group Volume

Contextualising Ancient Technology: From Archaeological Case Studies Towards a Social Theory of Ancient Innovation Processes

The diffusion of innovations from the Near East into the ‘static’ surrounding peripheries has become a well-known archaeological paradigm, often summed up as Ex Oriente Lux.


Raum-Maschine Reichsautobahn

Kaum ein Bauwerk prägt unsere Umgebung wie die Autobahn. Ihre festen Fahrbahnen, weiten Linien und ihre kreuzungsfreie Netzgestalt bilden ein System, ohne das kein Supermarkt, kein Gewerbegebiet und keine Fußgängerzone funktionieren. Und obwohl die Nationalsozialisten die Autobahn bekanntermaßen nicht erfunden haben, so wurde das Fundament für den europäischen Hauptverkehrsweg doch von 1934 bis 1942 in die Landschaft betoniert.


The Astronomer's Chair: A Visual and Cultural History

The astronomer's chair is a leitmotif in the history of astronomy, appearing in hundreds of drawings, prints, and photographs from a variety of sources. Nineteenth-century stargazers in particular seemed eager to display their observing chairs—task-specific, often mechanically adjustable observatory furniture designed for use in conjunction with telescopes.

Edited Book

Oil: Schönheit und Schrecken des Erdölzeitalters. Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. Oil: Beauty and Horror in the Petrol Age

Erdöl — kein anderer Rohstoff durchdringt so viele Bereiche unseres Lebens: unsere Städte, unsere Körper, unsere Emotionen. Die Publikation Oil. Schönheit und Schrecken des Erdölzeitalters bietet komplex und vielfältig wie nie zuvor einen transdisziplinären Einblick in das globale Zeitalter des Erdöls und wie es Kunst und Künstler*innen inspirierte.

Edited Book

Annemarie Tröger: Kampf um feministische Geschichten. Texte und Kontexte 1970-1990

Annemarie Tröger, born in 1939, was one of the founders of women's studies in the German-speaking world in the 1970s. Her seminars, lectures, publications were groundbreaking for many of her colleagues and students.


The Joy of Sweat: The Strange Science of Perspiration

A taboo-busting romp through the shame, stink and strange science of sweating. Sweating may be one of our weirdest biological functions, but it’s also one of our most vital and least understood. In The Joy of Sweat, Sarah Everts delves into its role in the body—and in human history.

Edited Book

Ant Spider Bee: Chronicling Digital Transformations in Environmental Humanities

Inspired by Francis Bacon’s ant, spider, and bee as models of collecting, processing, and transforming knowledge, Kimberly Coulter, Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, and Finn Arne Jørgensen started "Ant Spider Bee" to reflect on ways technology was transforming the epistemologies, methods, and dissemination of environmental humanities research.