Institute's Bibliography (PuRe) Team

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Scholars of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) have a strong book publication record, with output including individual publications, group collaborations, and edited volumes. Our Working Group books are volumes written by two or more authors as the result of intensive collaboration, and are a particular specialty of the Institute.




The Road to Relativity: The History and Meaning of Einstein’s “The Foundation of General Relativity” Featuring the Original Manuscript of Einstein’s Masterpiece

This richly annotated facsimile edition of “The Foundation of General Relativity” introduces a new generation of readers to Albert Einstein’s theory of gravitation.


Sex and Control: Venereal Disease, Colonial Physicians, and Indigenous Agency in German Colonialism, 1884–1914

In responding to the perceived threat posed by venereal diseases in Germany’s colonies, doctors took a biopolitical approach that employed medical and bourgeois discourses of modernization, health, productivity, and morality.


Money Trees: the Douglas Fir and American Forestry, 1900–1944

Around the start of the last century, the forests of the Pacific Northwest were viewed as dynamic sites of industrial production, and also as natural landscapes of ecological integrity. These competing visions arose as the nation’s professional foresters faced conflicting demands from lumber companies and government regulators.


Natur und Kultur im Spiegel des Wissens : Marsilius-Vorlesung am 6. Februar 2014

Der Zwei-Kulturen-These zufolge haben sich die Naturwissenschaften und die Geisteswissenschaften im 20. Jahrhundert in einander nicht mehr verstehende Bereiche des Wissens auseinander gelebt. Im vorliegenden Text wird diese Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnung mehrfach aufgebrochen.

Edited Book

Mathematizing Space : the Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the Early Modern Age

This book brings together papers of the conference on 'Space, Geometry and the Imagination from Antiquity to the Modern Age' held in Berlin, Germany, 27-29 August 2012.

Edited Book

Rice: Global Networks and New Histories

The history of rice is inextricably entangled with the emergence of colonialism, the global networks of industrial capitalism, and the modern world economy.

Working Group Volume

‚Dem Anwenden muss das Erkennen vorausgehen‘: auf dem Weg zu einer Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Anknüpfend an die Tradition der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft ist die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft heute eine einzigartige Institution der Grundlagenforschung, die weltweit Attraktivität und Vorbildwirkung besitzt. Auf welchen Erfahrungen und Prinzipien beruht diese Wirkung?

Working Group Volume

Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

Das den großen Bauleistungen der Vergangenheit zugrunde liegende Wissen und seine Entwicklung ist Gegenstand der hier vorgelegten Wissensgeschichte der Architektur. Die Forschungen haben sich insbesondere auf das Planungswissen, das Materialwissen, das bautechnische Wissen und das logistische Wissen konzentriert.

Edited Book

Textures of the Anthropocene: Grain Vapor Ray

The Anthropocene hypothesis regards humanity as a geological force, its activities effectively altering the earth system's metabolic structures: sediments, currents, and rays are redistributed towards unknown configurations


Material, Technik, Ästhetik und Wissenschaft der Farbe 1750–1850: eine produktionsästhetische Studie zur ‚Blüte‘ und zum ‚Verfall‘ der Malerei in Deutschland am Beispiel Berlin

Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen von Materialien und Techniken der Malerei sowie den Verschiebungen ästhetischer und wissenschaftlicher Vorstellungen zur Farbe zwischen 1750 und 1850.


L'économie Morale des Sciences Modernes

Les sciences modernes ont prétendu s’affranchir des intérêts de tous ordres et faire sortir la subjectivité et la morale de l’arène scientifique pour donner à voir des vérités absolues.

Edited Book

Melammu: the Ancient World in an Age of Globalization

The present Melammu volume extends from Greece to India, with articles on Phrygia and Armenia, also viewing texts from ancient Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.


Rekurrenzen: Texte zu Althusser

Dieser Band führt in eine exemplarische Konstellation zurück, aus der die Historische Epistemologie hierzulande hervorgegangen ist: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger rekurriert auf den strukturalistischen Marxismus von Louis Althusser.

Edited Book

Saccheri, Gerolamo: Euclid Vindicated from Every Blemish

This first complete English language edition of Euclides vindicatus presents a corrected and revised edition of the classical English translation of Saccheri's text by G.B. Halsted. It is complemented with a historical introduction on the geometrical environment of the time and a detailed commentary that helps to understand the aims and subtleties of the work.


Science, Gender, and Internationalism: Women’s Academic Networks, 1917–1955

Born out of the optimism of the Paris Peace Conference, the formation of the League of Nations, and the fight for women's suffrage in Britain and the United States, the International Federation of University Women was founded in 1919 and consciously set out to reshape interwar society.

Edited Book

The Cambridge Companion to Einstein

This volume is the first systematic presentation of the work of Albert Einstein, comprised of fourteen essays by leading historians and philosophers of science that introduce readers to his work.

Edited Book

Objects of chemical inquiry

Leading historians of chemistry present fascinating case studies illuminating a broad array of objects of inquiry in modern chemistry, from the eighteenth century until today. These include every day items such as glass as well as invisible networks of experimentation and theory.

Edited Book

Features of Common Sense Geography: Implicit Knowledge Structures in Ancient Geographical Texts

The contributions in this volume combine fundamental questions of common sense geography with case studies of ancient geographical texts. The book seeks to bridge synchronic cognitive linguistic and cognitive psychological approaches to ancient texts with a diachronic perspective.


Copernicus in the Cultural Debates of the Renaissance : Reception, Legacy, Transformation

In Copernicus in the Cultural Debates of the Renaissance, Pietro Daniel Omodeo presents a general overview of the reception of Copernicus’s astronomical proposal from the years immediately preceding the publication of De revolutionibus (1543) to the Roman prohibition of heliocentric hypotheses in 1616.


Introduction à la Philosophie des Sciences

Si le XIXe siècle a connu, dans la philosophie des sciences, l'ascension du positivisme, le XXe siècle a commencé par une crise de la pensée positiviste sans qu'une solution ou même une alternative se soient dessinées à l'horizon. Cette crise a donné lieu à une réflexion complexe sur les sciences, motivée par une approche sociohistorique.