Institute's Bibliography (PuRe) Team

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Scholars of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) have a strong book publication record, with output including individual publications, group collaborations, and edited volumes. Our Working Group books are volumes written by two or more authors as the result of intensive collaboration, and are a particular specialty of the Institute.



Edited Book

Duncan Liddel (1561-1613): Networks of Polymathy and the Northern European Renaissance

This collective volume in the history of early-modern science and medicine investigates the transfer of knowledge between Germany and Scotland focusing on the Scottish mathematician and physician Duncan Liddel of Aberdeen.

Working Group Volume

Shifting Paradigms : Thomas S. Kuhn and the History of Science

The publication of Thomas S. Kuhn’s "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" in 1962 stands for a turning point in the history and philosophy of science. The repercussions of this work have rearticulated the theoretical framework of history and philosophy of science and have also generated discussions that contributed to the formation of the communities of historians as well as philosophers of science in many parts of the world.


Leibniz on the Parallel Postulate and the Foundations of Geometry : the Unpublished Manuscripts

This book offers a general introduction to the geometrical studies of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) and his mathematical epistemology. In particular, it focuses on his theory of parallel lines and his attempts to prove the famous Parallel Postulate.

Edited Book

Diversität : Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts

Das Nachdenken über Diversität reicht von den Naturwissenschaften über die Geschichtswissenschaften, die Gesellschaftswissenschaften, die Philosophie bis zu den Künsten. Diversität ist zudem politisch und emotional beladen. In diesem Buch wird nicht nur über Einzelaspekte von Diversität berichtet, es wird auch eine Synthese versucht.


Historical Epistemology of Space : from Primate Cognition to Spacetime Physics

The book introduces an epistemologically informed history of knowledge across different disciplines, discusses the societal and material conditions under which theories and spatial thinking develop, presents theoretical considerations & concrete results from both historical studies and empirical sciences.

Working Group Volume

Quand la raison faillit perdre l'esprit: la rationalité mise à l'épreuve de la Guerre froide

Aux États-Unis, au plus fort de la Guerre froide, un nouveau projet visant à redéfinir la rationalité suscita l’intérêt d’intellectuels brillants, de politiciens influents, de fondations fortunées et des hauts cercles de l’armée.

Working Group Volume

Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture

The notion of Endangerment stands at the heart of a network of concepts, values and practices dealing with objects and beings considered threatened by extinction, and with the procedures aimed at preserving them. Usually animated by a sense of urgency and citizenship, identifying endangered entities involves evaluating an impending threat and opens the way for preservation strategies.


Authentically African : Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture

Together, the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, Belgium, and the Institut des Musées Nationaux du Zaire (IMNZ) in the Congo have defined and marketed Congolese art and culture. Sarah Van Beurden traces the relationship between the possession, definition, and display of art and the construction of cultural authenticity and political legitimacy from the late colonial until the postcolonial era.


Vital Minimum : Need, Science, and Politics in Modern France

What constitutes a need? Who gets to decide what people do or do not need? In modern France, scientists, both amateur and professional, were engaged in defining and measuring human needs.


Die Farben des Tastens

»Gesenkt den Kopf / immer auf der Suche / nach römischen Münzen / so hab ichs gelernt«, lautet eine Strophe Hans-Jörg Rheinbergers.

Edited Book

Das Anthropozän : zum Stand der Dinge

Mit dem »Zeitalter des Menschen« ist erdgeschichtlich ein irreversibler Prozess in Gang gesetzt worden. Wenn das, was wir bisher als Natur verstanden haben, von Menschen gemacht ist, funktionieren Dualismen wie Natur/Kultur oder Subjekt/Objekt nicht mehr in ihrer althergebrachten Funktion.


On Hysteria : the Invention of a Medical Category between 1670 and 1820

These days, hysteria is known as a discredited diagnosis that was used to group and pathologize a wide range of conditions and behaviors in women. But for a long time, it was seen as a legitimate category of medical problem - and one that, originally, was applied to men as often as to women.


Strahlenforschung : Bio- und Risikopolitik der DFG, 1920-1970

Die Strahlenforschung hat das 20. Jahrhundert geprägt. Strahlen kamen in Wissenschaft, Medizin, Industrie und Rüstung zur Anwendung. Was waren die Entstehungsbedingungen und wer die Akteure dieser Schlüsseltechnologie?


Database of Dreams: the Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity

Just a few years before the dawn of the digital age, Harvard psychologist Bert Kaplan set out to build the largest database of sociological information ever assembled. In a scrupulously researched and captivating new book, Rebecca Lemov recounts the story of Kaplan's quest and brings to light an informative and disturbing chapter in the prehistory of Big Data.


Humboldts Preußen: Wissenschaft und Technik im Aufbruch

Entlang der Biographie des jungen Alexander von Humboldt beschreibt Ursula Klein die Frühphase der Natur- und Technikwissenschaften in Preußen. So schildert sie diese bewegte Zeit nicht als anonymen Prozess, sondern als gelebte Praxis der Akteure. Dabei zeigt sie die Aufbruchsstimmung ebenso wie Erfolge und Misserfolge beim Experimentieren und Erfinden.


Epistemologia Historyczna

Czym jest i po co epistemologia historyczna? To pytanie stawia sobie w książce jeden z najważniejszych autorów tego podejścia do historii nauki, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. W pierwszej części autor przedstawia historyzowanie epistemologii od Emila Du Bois-Reymonda poprzez Michela Foucaulta po Bruno Latoura.


Before Boas : The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment

'Before Boas' argues that anthropology and ethnology were separate sciences during the Age of Reason, studying racial and ethnic diversity, respectively. Ethnography and ethnology focused not on “other” cultures but on all peoples of all eras.

Edited Book

Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu

This volume is put together in honor of a distinguished historian of science, Kostas Gavroglu, whose work has won international acclaim, and has been pivotal in establishing the discipline of history of science in Greece, its consolidation in other countries of the European Periphery, and the constructive dialogue of these emerging communities with an extended community of international scholars.



Hans Jörg Rheinbergers Kunststücke befassen sich mit der Dingverliebtheit in der barocken Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Seine Texte verstehen sich als Kunststücke über Kunststücke. Im ersten Teil begleiten Prosagedichte eine Auswahl von Stillleben sowie den Fünf-Sinne-Zyklus von Jan Brueghel d. Ä. und Peter Paul Rubens. Im zweiten Teil wird der »Sehsinn« dieses Zyklus in seiner Spiegelstruktur und hinsichtlich seiner Blumenspiele in den Blick genommen.

Edited Book

Albert Einstein: Relativity, the Special and the General Theory, 100th Anniversary Edition

After completing the final version of his general theory of relativity in November 1915, Albert Einstein wrote a book about relativity for a popular audience. The book remains one of the most lucid explanations of the special and general theories ever written.