Jun 28, 2021
Music Evening: Leonardo's Intellectual Cosmos
- 16:00 to 21:00
- Dept. Renn
Join us on June 28, 2021 for a music evening of the unique exhibition Leonardo's Intellectual Cosmos (shown at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, May 11–July 17, 2021). Our event will show the world premiere of Luca Lombardi’s composition "Josquin Desprez & Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin," played by ensemble unitedberlin, and be a special Monday opening of the exhibition.
Contact and Registration
Please note that places are limited. A pre-registration and a current negative Covid-19 test result are necessary. To register, please write an e-mail to:
16:00-21:00 Guided tours through the exhibition "Leonardo's Intellectual Cosmos"
(organized on a first-come-first-serve basis)
16:45 Renaissance Ensemble Florantis
conducted by Vladimir Ivachkovets
17:00 Welcome by Jürgen Renn
Curator and Project Leader of the Exhibition
17:10 Renaissance Ensemble Florantis
conducted by Vladimir Ivachkovets
17:40 Luca Lombardi: Introduction and first performance of his work "Josquin Desprez & Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin" conducted by Ferenc Gábor and performed by the ensemble unitedberlin
18:15–21:00 Tour of the exhibition in groups of up to 10 people, followed by in-depth discussions on selected exhibits.
"Josquin Desprez & Leonardo da Vinci in Berlin"
A reflection on a time-transcending dialogue between the contemporaries Leonardo da Vinci and Josquin Desprez inspired this composition in the context of the exhibition “Leonardo’s Intellectual Cosmos.” Related to the compositional material of the Psalmus – notably in the Desprez anniversary year 2021 – it calls to mind Leonardo’s perception of music as well as the work of one of the most significant composers of his time, Josquin Desprez. “I could well imagine a concert performed on recreations of instruments invented by Leonardo. Music inspired by the spirit of the Renaissance, anchored in the present, projecting into the future.” Whereas Leonardo worked for the Duke Ludovico Sforza in Milan, Desprez composed c. 1586–1594 for – and together with – the Duke’s brother, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza in Rome. Presumably, Leonardo and Desprez met in Milan. The composition by Luca Lombardi is inspired by a spiritual encounter between timeless ideas and expressions in arts and science “[b]ecause Leonardo is a man of the past, the present, and the future, all at the same time“. Luca Lombardi, “Of Visible and Invisible – Sometimes Only Imagined – Things,” (Leonardo’s Intellectual Cosmos, p. 261).
About the Musicians