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13577 Search Results

Luciano Maiani, Luisa Bonolis (2017)

The charm of theoretical physics (1958–1993)

Maiani, L., & Bonolis, L. (2017). The charm of theoretical physics (1958–1993). The European Physical Journal H, 42(4-5), 611-661. doi:10.1140/epjh/e2017-80040-9.

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Clare Griffin (2018)

Russia and the medical drug trade in the seventeenth century

Griffin, C. (2018). Russia and the medical drug trade in the seventeenth century. Social History of Medicine, 31(1), 2-23. doi:10.1093/shm/hkw106.

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Taking Poo Samples to School was an Essential Part of South Korea's Modernization

Thumbnail No 7 A North Korean soldier recently escaped across the demilitarised zone, the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas, and a remnant of the July 1953 ceasefire to the Korean conflict. On his arrival in South Korea, much was made of the precarious state of his health. Following surgery to treat the soldier’s wounds, his South Korean medical team made an interesting update. The patient was in recovery, but his body remained filled with intestinal parasites, taken as a sign of North Korea’s underdeveloped public health system. One worm reportedly reached 27cm in length, indicating that it had been living in the man’s gut for a significant amount of time.
  • John P. DiMoia
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    Taking Poo Samples to School was an Essential Part of South Korea's Modernization

    Thumbnail No 7 A North Korean soldier recently escaped across the demilitarised zone, the heavily fortified border between the two Koreas, and a remnant of the July 1953 ceasefire to the Korean conflict. On his arrival in South Korea, much was made of the precarious state of his health. Following surgery to treat the soldier’s wounds, his South Korean medical team made an interesting update. The patient was in recovery, but his body remained filled with intestinal parasites, taken as a sign of North Korea’s underdeveloped public health system. One worm reportedly reached 27cm in length, indicating that it had been living in the man’s gut for a significant amount of time.
  • John P. DiMoia
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