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13545 Search Results

What Yemen Can Learn from the Historical Experience of Cholera

Thumbnail No 4 War has overcome the near eradication of cholera that modern advances in medicine and international public health organisations have allowed. So how did these advances come to pass and what can we learn from the historical experience of cholera?
  • Edna Bonhomme
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    What Yemen Can Learn from the Historical Experience of Cholera

    Thumbnail No 4 War has overcome the near eradication of cholera that modern advances in medicine and international public health organisations have allowed. So how did these advances come to pass and what can we learn from the historical experience of cholera?
  • Edna Bonhomme
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    How to Live with Bears

    Thumbnail No 1 Bears have been on Europeans’ minds lately, as violent encounters with these powerful mammals make international headlines. The state must be able to guarantee local communities personal and economic safety while also defending the right of iconic species to roam areas that were once their historical ranges.
  • Wilko Graf von Hardenberg
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    How to Live with Bears

    Thumbnail No 1 Bears have been on Europeans’ minds lately, as violent encounters with these powerful mammals make international headlines. The state must be able to guarantee local communities personal and economic safety while also defending the right of iconic species to roam areas that were once their historical ranges.
  • Wilko Graf von Hardenberg
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    Into the Fascist Forest—A Real Italian Controversy

    Thumbnail No 3 Should we see the forest first and foremost as a forest, a natural landscape that perhaps should be restored, or as a disturbing memory of Mussolini? Ought we to recreate the forest, as a preservation of the memory of the country’s history? Or should we leave it to its destiny and forget about it?
  • Wilko Graf von Hardenberg
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    Into the Fascist Forest—A Real Italian Controversy

    Thumbnail No 3 Should we see the forest first and foremost as a forest, a natural landscape that perhaps should be restored, or as a disturbing memory of Mussolini? Ought we to recreate the forest, as a preservation of the memory of the country’s history? Or should we leave it to its destiny and forget about it?
  • Wilko Graf von Hardenberg
  • Marco Armiero (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
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    "Sound of a Dog Barking": History Reveals the Significance of this North Korean Insult to Trump

    Thumbnail No 2 This may sound like a fairly standard put down, but in fact Ri’s language was carefully selected. In the Korean context, a comparison with a dog is deeply insulting, and this likely explains Kim Jong-un’s follow-up reference to Trump as a “frightened dog,” and other derisive references to his age. Such claims allow the North Korean leadership to present itself as defiant to the world community.
  • John P. DiMoia
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