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13577 Search Results

Thomas Turnbull, Cyrus C. M. Mody (2023)

Turn and Turn Again: How Big Science Both Helped and Hindered Alternative Energy in the 1970s

Turnbull, Thomas and Cyrus C. M. Mody (2023). “Turn and Turn Again: How Big Science Both Helped and Hindered Alternative Energy in the 1970s.” In Big Science in the 21st Century: Economic and Societal Impacts, ed. P. Charitos, T. Arabatzis, H. Cliff, G. Dissertori, J. Forneris, and J. Li-Ying, 31-1-31–21. Bristol: IOP Publishing.

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Stefano Furlan (2023)

Trespassing Boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel'dovich, Pontecorvo, and the Future of Astrophysics

Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Trespassing Boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel’dovich, Pontecorvo, and the Future of Astrophysics.” In Atti del XLII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference, Perugia, 26–29 September 2022, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA), Department of Physics and Geology, University of Perugia, ed. P. Bussotti, D. Capecchi, and T. Pasquale, 177–182. Pisa: Pisa University Press.

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Stefano Furlan (2023)

Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza

Furlan, Stefano (2023). “Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza.” Bollettino Filosofico 38: 207–218.

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Razieh-Sadat Mousavi, Petra G. Schmidl (2023)

al-Ashraf ῾Umar’s Tabṣira, Chapter xxiii: Timekeeping at Night by the Moon in 13th-Century Yemen and Beyond

Mousavi, Razieh-Sadat and Petra G. Schmidl (2023). “al-Ashraf ῾Umar’s Tabṣira, Chapter xxiii: Timekeeping at Night by the Moon in 13th-Century Yemen and Beyond.” Suhayl 20: 7–42.

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Wenrui Zhao (2023)

The Making of Early Modern Eye Mode

Zhao, Wenrui (2023). “The Making of Early Modern Eye Mode.” Notes and Records, November 15, 2023.

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Rebecca Jackson (2023)

How the Cervix Killed the Cervimeter: A Nonstandard Story of Successful Measurement

Jackson, Rebecca (2023). “How the Cervix Killed the Cervimeter: A Nonstandard Story of Successful Measurement.” Measurement 222 (Article 113652).

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Stefanie Rudolf (2024)

‘A Great Star Falls’ — Cometology in Syriac Language and Literature

Rudolf, Stefanie (2024). “‘A Great Star Falls’ — Cometology in Syriac Language and Literature
.” Journal of Semitic Studies 69 (1): 161–178.

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Eugenio Luciano, Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir,, Helga Ögmundardóttir, Ólafur Ögmundarson (2023)

Veganism and Its Challenges: The Case of Iceland

Luciano, Eugenio, Ólöf Guðný Geirsdóttir, Helga Ögmundardóttir, and Ólafur Ögmundarson (2023). “Veganism and Its Challenges: The Case of Iceland.” Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (Article 7).

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Dieter Hoffmann, Mathias Grote, Anke te Heesen (2023)

Bausteine zu einer Oral History der Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Interview mit Dieter Hoffmann

Hoffmann, Dieter (2023). Bausteine zu einer Oral History der Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Interview mit Dieter Hoffmann. Interview by Mathias Grote and Anke te Heesen. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (4): 378–412.

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Tamar Novick (2023)

Introducing Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies

Novick, Tamar (2023). “Introducing Bovine Regimes: When Animals Became Technologies.” Technology and Culture 64 (4): 1027–1043.

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