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13577 Search Results

Francesco Luzzini (2018)

Bibliographical distortions, distortive habits : contextualizing Italian publications in the history of science

Luzzini, F. (2018). Bibliographical distortions, distortive habits: contextualizing Italian publications in the history of science. Isis, 109(Suppl.1), 3-13. doi:10.1086/702660.

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Viktoria Tkaczyk (2018)

Max Herrmann und die Austreibung des Geistes aus der Theaterwissenschaft

Tkaczyk, V. (2018). Max Herrmann und die Austreibung des Geistes aus der Theaterwissenschaft. In S. Dörschel, & M. Warstat (Eds.), Perspektiven auf Max Herrmann: 100 Jahre Forschungen zur deutschen Theatergeschichte (pp. 31-42). Berlin: Gesellschaft für Theatergeschichte.

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Tomasz Samojlik, Anastasia Fedotova, Tomasz Niechoda, Ian D. Rotherham (2019)

Culturally modified trees or wasted timber : different approaches to marked trees in Poland’s Białowieża Forest

Samojlik, T., Fedotova, A., Niechoda, T., & Rotherham, I. D. (2019). Culturally modified trees or wasted timber: different approaches to marked trees in Poland’s Białowieża Forest. PLoS One, 14(1): e0211025. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0211025.

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Wilko Graf von Hardenberg (2018)

Tutela di confine : modelli di conservazione della natura nell’arco alpino tra le due guerre

Hardenberg, W. G. v. (2018). Tutela di confine: modelli di conservazione della natura nell’arco alpino tra le due guerre. In F. Balestracci, & P. Causarano (Eds.), Al confine delle Alpi: culture, valori sociali e orizzonti nazionali fra mondo tedesco e italiano (secoli XIX-XX) (pp. 221-233). Milano: FrancoAngeli.

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Dagmar Schäfer (2019)

Unpacking the Chinese Library

Schäfer, D. (2019). Unpacking the Chinese Library. In J. Tresch (Ed.), Bibliotechnica: humanist practice in digital times (pp. 117-144). Venice: Fondazione Giorgio Cini.

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