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Christoph Lehner, Helge Wendt (2017)

Mechanik in der Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes

Lehner, C., & Wendt, H. (2017). Mechanik in der Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes. In J. Helmrath, E. M. Hausteiner, & U. Jensen (Eds.), Antike als Transformation: Konzepte zur Beschreibung kulturellen Wandels (pp. 179-195). Berlin: De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110499261-012.

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Flying Chariots and Exotic Birds: How Seventeeth Century Dreamers Planned to Reach the Moon

Thumbnail No 6 We’ve only traveled into space in the last century, but humanity’s desire to reach the moon is far from recent. In the second century AD, Lucian’s True History, a parody of travel tales, already pictured a group of adventure seekers lifted to the moon. A whirlwind delivered them into the turbulence of lunar politics—a colonial war.
  • Maria Avxentevskaya
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    Flying Chariots and Exotic Birds: How Seventeeth Century Dreamers Planned to Reach the Moon

    Thumbnail No 6 People have been dreaming about space travel for hundreds of years, long before the arrival of the spectacular technologies behind space exploration today—mighty engines roaring fire and thunder, shiny metal shapes gliding in the vastness of the universe.
  • Maria Avxentevskaya
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