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13545 Search Results

Accessing the Umwelt through Poetry

caterpillar on someone's hands No 4 How do we, as humans, gain access to the lived experiences of nonhuman animals?

Proteomics: Possibilities and Limitations

microscope image of bacteria edited with overlay of protein sequence and mass spec graph No 5 Proteomic analysis has been a game changer in the identification of animal fibers, but how can the information gained from its methods be applied?

Exploring Fibers: Materiality through Theory and Practice

Our domestic birds; elementary lessons in aviculture, 1913. No 6 How can examining the historical development of fields focused on materials and materiality provide us with valuable understandings about fibers?

P&F Working Group Fellowship News!

Dornelas P&F No 8 Good news from the Proteins and Fibers Working Group. Isabela Dornelas was awarded a research fellowship!

Leather and Its Alternatives: Historical, Technical, and Ethical Perspectives

images of four different types of artificial leather No 9 Historically, what drives the quest for alternatives to leather, an age-old, animal-derived material?

Navigating the Concept of Proteins

two illustrations of an amino acid chain, one folded and one unfolded. No 10 What can we learn by historicizing the scientific concept of proteins?